Animals are earth angels placed here to help each and everyone of us on our journeys whatever they may be. They are natural born healers placed here as reminders of the pure love we all are here to share for anyone that chooses to open their hearts and make a connection. So remember no apology nor justification is ever necessary for loving your animal the way you do. My hope is for everyone in their lifetime to experience that special connection to an animal, even just once, as they are love and show us what true love really is.
Animal’s Energy + Universal Energy Heals Mother Earth
Through experiences in my practice I have witnessed the power of an animals healing ability with humans. Whether it’s simply a cat nestled next to a sick child on a bed, a therapy dog visiting a nursing home or a horse holding a veteran suffering from PTSD, the power of animals healing hearts is prevalent all around us. It is in my universal energy meditations, guided by my elders and animal guides that I have felt the power of each wild animal intentionally walking upon mother earth with love and compassion. For every animal we lose, we lose a piece of her that can never be returned. Learning to connect on a deeper level to understand the impact we have in each other’s lives is close to my heart. As we know better, we do better and I believe we can.
Animal’s Energy + Universal Energy Heals Mother Earth
Through experiences in my practice I have witnessed the power of an animals healing ability with humans. Whether it’s simply a cat nestled next to a sick child on a bed, a therapy dog visiting a nursing home or a horse holding a veteran suffering from PTSD, the power of animals healing hearts is prevalent all around us. It is in my universal energy meditations, guided by my elders and animal guides that I have felt the power of each wild animal intentionally walking upon mother earth with love and compassion. For every animal we lose, we lose a piece of her that can never be returned. Learning to connect on a deeper level to understand the impact we have in each other’s lives is close to my heart. As we know better, we do better and I believe we can.