Are you tired of the same old fundraisers where you have to find something to buy out of a catalog at an exaggerated price only to find out most of the money goes to the company hosting the fundraiser and not directly to your cause?
How about the hours it takes to organize the products and get them to the rightful owners? What about having an in person event and having to solicit raffle items to entice more people? We have all felt this struggle whether it's for school, a sports team, animal rescues, nonprofits or something else. That's why I have created SoulReadings with Kelly as an option to keep more money in your pocket and no products to be delivered, picked up or lost and the best part is 50% goes DIRECTLY to your cause. Choose from IN person at your event (within reason of distance), Online via zoom to reach a greater audience, OR OFFER BOTH! |
First - What is a Soul Reading?
As a storyteller of souls I have the ability to see within the living as well as those who have passed to share messages and information for yourself and your animals. Whether you are looking to gain insight on your ancestral fate, clarity in the reasons you live within your patterns or want a deeper connection to your animal and what they are experiencing, I will tap into the medicine of my Ancestors, Mother Earth and The Animal Kingdom to guide you on your journey. Whether you are booking for yourself or for your animal please understand during any session, messages regarding others or your connection to them may come through gifting you messages or in some cases even closure.
As a storyteller of souls I have the ability to see within the living as well as those who have passed to share messages and information for yourself and your animals. Whether you are looking to gain insight on your ancestral fate, clarity in the reasons you live within your patterns or want a deeper connection to your animal and what they are experiencing, I will tap into the medicine of my Ancestors, Mother Earth and The Animal Kingdom to guide you on your journey. Whether you are booking for yourself or for your animal please understand during any session, messages regarding others or your connection to them may come through gifting you messages or in some cases even closure.
Fundraising options
How does it work?
- I am more than happy to come to your event IN PERSON to share this gift with your attendees within reason of travel. (You are more than welcome to fly me out and pay for my lodging if you'd like me to attend in person.)
- Choose the duration of your fundraiser whether it's a week, 2 weeks or a even a month and offer the ONLINE link to your audience to book at their convenience reaching people from all over the country to raise funds and awareness for your cause.
You will receive a special link just for your organization to make sure all payments are processed properly. - OFFER BOTH OPTIONS adding more time with an online option too.
- Session times and cost to your audience will be agreed upon by both parties with 15 minutes and $25 being the minimum allowed.
- A liason from your organization will work with me regarding details through email of an upcoming event.
- Organizations will provide the necessary space for me to offer my sessions at an in person event.
- If outdoors the organization will provide a tent, small table with a few chairs and someone from your organization to assist in signing people up and taking payments.
- If indoors, the organization will section off a quieter space where we can have "some" privacy away from other attendees again with a small table and a few chairs as well as an someone from your organization who can assist in signing people up and taking payments.
- You have the option to sell Gift Certificates at the event for online sessions if you so choose. (this helps if I am booked and can't take additional sessions in the allotted time we agree upon me being there) Please make arrangements ahead of time with me if you would like this offering so that I may have enough printed and ready to bring along.
- Rain Dates - I will do my best to support your organization if I am not previously booked on your rain date but cannot guarantee it. (this is also another reason to offer the online option as well.)
- You will receive a detailed accounting as well as list of supporters and your final payout from all ONLINE sessions within 3 business days of the conclusion of your event. Again, 50% of all proceeds go directly to your organization.
- For in person events money will be dispersed immediately upon conclusion of the event to whomever is designated by the liaison to receive the money.
- Organization is responsible for marketing the event to their audience as will I on all social media platforms and weekly newsletter.
- For questions or more info please text Kelly at 860.806.9684 or email me here.
The Universal Energy online course is another fundraiser for organizations looking to create more awareness in their lives and the lives of others. Click Here for details
What is Universal Energy?
It is the understanding that we, as energetic beings imprint and impact every experience and being on the planet whether we are conscious to it or not. Learning how to awaken your conscious awareness to your energetic footprint will help you release yourself from your ancestral fate and create the destiny you want for yourself. You already have all that you need within you, you just need to remember.
We all have the ability to heal ourselves, we just need to learn how. Universal Energy is a gentle modality that brings together the energies of you, others, Mother Earth and the Animal Kingdom as one to co-create and dream the world into being.
This online course from the comfort of your home will walk you through the necessary steps to bring conscious awareness to your life and assist you in creating lasting change. Click Here to read more about the course.
What is Universal Energy?
It is the understanding that we, as energetic beings imprint and impact every experience and being on the planet whether we are conscious to it or not. Learning how to awaken your conscious awareness to your energetic footprint will help you release yourself from your ancestral fate and create the destiny you want for yourself. You already have all that you need within you, you just need to remember.
We all have the ability to heal ourselves, we just need to learn how. Universal Energy is a gentle modality that brings together the energies of you, others, Mother Earth and the Animal Kingdom as one to co-create and dream the world into being.
This online course from the comfort of your home will walk you through the necessary steps to bring conscious awareness to your life and assist you in creating lasting change. Click Here to read more about the course.
* I am out of the office on Mondays and Thursdays so correspondence via text or email may reflect this. Thank you for honoring my time. *