Change. It is something that we experience all the time whether we are ready for it or not. Some changes we can prepare for as best we can and some come right out of left field leaving us feeling scared, insecure and unsure as to what may be our next course of action. Some changes we are in control of however many times they are beyond our reach and being made by others for us.
Change itself brings about every single emotion there is depending on how each person accepts change and of course how this new found change will affect their life personally. This leads to arguments, people taking sides and creating a vast separation among us actually causing more harm than good. I have no doubt you can think of something right now in this moment that you are either seeking a change for OR wanting to see a change in. What we often forget is how said change affects ALL. When we come from a place of wanting to make changes in our perception that are for the greater good it becomes more difficult to navigate due to the complexities of emotions that we attach to the changes being made and the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you. What you want may not be what another wants nor vise versa again creating a very low vibration of energetic frequencies for the planet that do more harm than good. There is a saying in the 12 step programs that states: "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." Soooo powerful, so impactful and so very true. When we try to change things that are out of our control we actually give our power away as our own energetic frequency becomes lowered leaving us exposed to all things of a lower vibration. And though we think we are "fighting the good fight" we ARE still fighting and our energetic bodies know this leaving us open to everything from stress to debilitating diseases. And when we become consumed with trying to change something we are actually creating a larger and even bigger energetic resistance to whatever that change is making it even more difficult to navigate. The good news is you CAN make changes. Really really BIG ones but where do you start? The most profound changes are the ones that you make for yourself, to yourself and how you choose to live your life. The higher the vibration you can offer the changes you would like to see for our world the more change you will actually SEE. It can only be done through the high vibrations of GRATITUDE and LOVE. No amount of fighting, finger pointing, blaming, shaming, yelling, or trash talking will EVER dream our world into being no matter how passionate you feel towards the change you'd like to see. We must focus on our own thoughts, our own beliefs, and our own actions because in the end it's really the only thing you have true control over anyway. So the next time you want to fight the good fight for a cause you truly believe in try sitting in a quiet space and offer the situation and all involved LOVE. Love does conquer all but we have to be willing to give it to everything and everyone and not just in what we think is deserving of it. If everyone chose love imagine the kind of world we could live in. I do, every single day and it's awesome.
AuthorKelly McCarthy is a passionate universal energy teacher, intuitive practitioner and insightful sacred speaker located in Litchfield County, CT. Though not a published author yet, once in awhile she feels called to write about something that speaks to her. Archives
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