We spend so much of our time questioning things and I mean everything. We can have the most incredible idea and somehow talk ourselves out of it before we even begin. We go 10 rounds beating ourselves up in the ring of life with the What, Where, Why, How and When that we lose sight on the most important part of it all. The art of asking and then ALLOWING it to come to fruition in the timing of the universe, not our expectations.
The struggle that most people experience is they get antsy with waiting and start changing their mind, question the validity of their thoughts and ideas or want to SEE confirmation immediately and if they don’t well then they start to question it yet again OR they shift and it’s on to the next “thing” whatever that “thing” may be. What people don’t realize is those great ideas are already out there in the universe waiting to be connected to and the reason you get super excited about something is because your FREQUENCY is matching that of the idea that’s already there. The challenge comes when you try to figure it all out instead of just relishing in the incredible FEELING it gives you to play with the idea. Instead you analyze, crunch numbers and try to get super detailed in the execution of your expectations which often leads to failure because as much as you want it you cannot MAKE it happen with your mind alone. You need to create it with how you FEEL because feeling is EVERYTHING. Even more challenging is learning to stop using the senses you use in your everyday life to help create the life you really want. What I mean is that we use our senses as proof that something is valid or real. We see to believe, we touch and know it’s real, we taste, we smell and we hear because that’s what we were taught to do but in the world of universal energy that is not the case. We must FEEL what it is we want and unfortunately that was never something we were taught how to do. So how do we learn the art of allowing? For me it was a deeper awareness that though I am constantly having to react to the conditions around me by using my senses I focus on how something makes me FEEL before proceeding. And it really doesn’t matter if it’s my next great idea or if it’s saying yes to an invitation. If the feeling of HELL YES, isn’t there then I know it’s not for me. This took time, patience and a true willingness to give up my idea of control and allow my feelings to lead the way. Does it always work? Nope. I’m a spiritual being having a human experience so I don’t always get it right and can spin my wheels too but the conscious awareness to this practice brings me around much quicker than it ever did and that’s what I strive for. More awareness in my present moment as often as possible. Playing with Universal Energy is supposed to be FUN. Life itself is meant to enjoy not fear, not struggle, not just survive so the next time you are using your senses for validation of whatever it is you are thinking of, take a moment to pause, close your eyes and ask yourself this ,”How does this make me feel?” and watch the conversation with yourself begin to change. The more you do this, the better your life becomes.
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AuthorKelly McCarthy is a passionate universal energy teacher, intuitive practitioner and insightful sacred speaker located in Litchfield County, CT. Though not a published author yet, once in awhile she feels called to write about something that speaks to her. Archives
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